Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Check out We-The-Undersigned from the Adjunct Project/Chronicle of Higher Education

Here's an interesting article and petition posted in the Chronicle of Higher Education's Adjunct Project as a comment on the status of higher education, today.

I hope you will read the "petition to David Weil of the U.S. Department of Labor to investigate faculty working conditions, mistreatment of adjunct professors, and student learning conditions in higher education. So far, 3,200 people have signed on in agreement. Anyone can sign and share this petition—activists, professors, former professors, students, parents, university employees, or anyone else."

Please comment with your opinions on this one.  Names can be held in confidence.

Here's the link to the article by Joseph Fruscione     

Link to We-The-Undersigned

Ever the adjunct,

Linda Martinak, Ed.D.